Preparing doctors for the genomic tsunami
Mark Henderson has a great piece in the Times exploring the impact of personal genomics on the practice of medicine. The basic theme should be familiar to anyone who has been following the emergence of...
View ArticleGenome-wide association studies: failure or success?
The latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine has four excellent and thought-provoking articles on the recent revolution in the genetics of common disease and its implications for...
View ArticleUK House of Lords report on genomic medicine: implications for DTC genetic...
The UK House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has published the long-awaited report (PDF) from its inquiry into genomic medicine. Mark Henderson at The Times has been busy today, putting out...
View ArticleCall for submissions to Nuffield Council on Bioethics inquiry into...
I just received the following email from the Nuffield Council on Bioethics – I’d recommend anyone interested in the future of personalised medicine in the UK consider submitting their views to the...
View ArticleWhy you CAN have your $1000 genome – so long as you learn what to do with it
As part of his Gene Week celebration over at Forbes, Matthew Herper has a provocative post titled “Why you can’t have your $1000 genome“. In this post I’ll explain why, while Herper’s pessimism is...
View ArticleOne more step towards the end of recessive diseases
In the last century infant mortality has declined precipitously in the Western world, thanks in large part to the development of antibiotics and vaccination. Yet as the suffering and death from...
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